Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Coloring A lot..

So the last two days I have been coloring a lot in my journal.. if I see a blank area: I attack it. I'm saving to post the images later though I have been throwing some up on flickr once in a while so I know which ones to cover in my friday The Next Chapter post. I'm trying to get everything colored before I get to the shower with it stage.. I'm not sure if these markers I'm currently using will bleed well when wet, they are new to me. I might have to switch to oldfashion crayola to get some good water effects.

Today was a good day. I hit nearly all green lights to work. I got in on time. My boss wasn't here(I know, shame on me for being thankful for that), so I was able to run out for a second to pick up some breakfast. And the elevator was already on waiting to take me to my level when I got back.. sweet!

So since I had a nice late breakfast, I worked through lunch and will head home an hour eariler than usual!

Thankful for the small things I am.

My want to accomplish this week: take on Connie's "What's your love goddess look like?" challenge. Most likely will dedicate a space in the Wreck for this.

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